特拉尔县的学校毕业率很高, favorable student-teacher ratios and outstanding performance.
中央谷学校 is located between 巴克斯顿 and 雷诺兹, and serves students in both Traill and Grand Forks counties. 中央谷学校’s guiding mission is commitment to educational excellence for students, staff and community: achievement – enhancement – involvement. 的 National Council for 首页 Safety and Security has named 中央谷学校 as one of the top 500 school districts in the country.
哈顿艾尔森公立学校‘s mission statement is “To provide students opportunities to learn through activities, 在适当的平衡与学术努力, 的态度, 知识, and responsibilities necessary for meeting lifelong challenges.”
的使命 希尔斯伯勒公立学校 is to provide a 安全 environment where students develop skills to function productively in society. 的 西斯波罗 community takes pride in being a family of respectful, 负责任的, 安全, 热情的终身学习者. It is committed to developing each individual’s talents and capabilities to the fullest. 希尔斯伯勒公立学校 has separate high school and elementary buildings located just one block apart.
的 五月港CG学区 includes the communities of Mayville, 波特兰, 克利福德 and Galesburg. 它的使命是C.L.E.A.R.: to Challenge, Learn, Empower, Assist and Respect. May-Port CG strives to produce citizens who can effectively communicate, 收集和使用信息, make 负责任的 decisions and adapt to the challenges of the 21st century. 的 五月港CG学区 has separate high school and elementary buildings.
的re are a number of child care providers in 公司县. See the list below for child care options in each community.
有关这些提供程序的其他信息, or to request information on licensed or unlicensed providers, 请联系特拉尔县社会服务中心 701.636.5220.